Benefit Plan Compliance Poster Subscription
Ensure compliance with policy and notice requirements under benefit plan compliance laws REVISED TO INCLUDE NEW CHIPRA FORM AND STATE PARTICIPATION (effective 3-13-2012)All employers who offer health benefits to employees must ensure compliance with policy and notice requirements under benefit plan compliance laws. Applicable laws include the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA), the Childrens’ Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act (CHIPRA), and the new health care reform bill, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA).Failure to implement required policies, procedures, and notices as mandated by these laws can result in penalties up to $25,000.�?�HIPAA privacy, security, and discrimination regulations require employee health plans to comply with various notice and policy requirements relating to personal health information, equal access to health insurance benefits, and portability of health coverage.�?�CHIPRA regulations require employers in 38* states to provide a written notice to employees regarding the availability of insurance premium assistance for individuals with dependent children. (*The states that do not participate in CHIPRA are AR, CA, CT, DE, HI, IL, MD, MI, MS, NM, OH, and TN. DC and PR also don't participate.)�?�COBRA notice requirements intend to ensure that employee health plan participants understand their rights and obligations relating to continuation of health insurance coverage after a qualifying event occurs (e.g. termination of employment).�?�The health care reform bill includes numerous provisions that directly impact employee benefit plans.To help employers demonstrate good faith compliance with benefit plan notice requirements, Personnel Concepts has introduced a Benefit Plan Compliance Poster Subscription. This exclusive subscription package includes an All-On-One HIPAA Information Poster, an All-In-One COBRA Information Poster, a CHIPRA Compliance Poster (where applicable), a Health Care Reform Information Poster, and automatic updates for a full year when regulatory changes occur. Additionally, subscribers will also receive our Benefits Law Quarterly newsletter to keep them abreast of changes in health benefit compliance requirements.Who Needs ItAll employers who offer health insurance benefits to employees must ensure compliance with notification, communication, and policy requirements under HIPAA, COBRA, and related laws.BenefitsAutomatic Poster UpdatesRecent polls indicate that most Americans do not fully understand all of the major provisions contained in the 3,300-page bill, and many workers currently enrolled in employer-sponsored health benefit plans may be misinformed about how they will be personally impacted. Our exclusive poster focuses on the specific employmentrelated provisions of the bill and their respective effective dates so that employees understand how and when they will be impacted.Prev